Muscle hernia, extensive. Without other injury to the muscle—10

Muscle hernia, extensive. Without other injury to the muscle

Muscle hernia refers to the abnormal protrusion of muscle tissue through a defect or weakness in the surrounding fascia or muscle sheath. An extensive muscle hernia indicates a significant or large-scale protrusion. Importantly, this condition occurs without any concurrent injury to the muscle itself.


Some common causes of muscle hernia are:

  • Chronic repetitive stress or strain on the muscle.
  • Weakness or congenital defects in the muscle fascia or sheath.
  • Age-related degeneration of muscle or connective tissues.
  • Sudden intense muscular contraction or exertion.
  • Previous surgical interventions or trauma in the affected area.


Symptoms of muscle hernia:

  • Visible or palpable bulge or lump in the affected area.
  • Pain or discomfort at the site of the hernia.
  • Swelling or inflammation around the herniated muscle.
  • Muscle weakness or loss of function in the affected area.
  • In some cases, the herniated muscle may be compressing nearby nerves, leading to additional symptoms like numbness or tingling.


Diagnosis of muscle hernia includes the following tests:

  • Physical examination by a healthcare professional, including inspection and palpation of the affected area.
  • Medical history assessment to identify any previous injuries, surgeries, or underlying conditions.
  • Imaging tests such as ultrasound or MRI to visualize the herniated muscle and assess its extent and location.
  • Electromyography (EMG) to evaluate nerve function and assess potential nerve compression caused by the hernia.
  • In some cases, a diagnostic exploratory surgery may be necessary to confirm the diagnosis and assess the extent of the muscle hernia.

Description Percentage

Symptoms of pain, vomiting, material weight loss and hematemesis or melena with moderate anemia; or other symptom combinations productive of severe impairment of health

Description Percentage

Persistently recurrent epigastric distress with dysphagia, pyrosis, and regurgitation, accompanied by substernal or arm or shoulder pain, productive of considerable impairment of health

Description Percentage

With two or more of the symptoms for the 30 percent evaluation of less severity


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