Military Service and Lower Back Pain: Causes and Prevention Tips

Military Service and Lower Back Pain: Causes and Prevention Tips

Posted On: Aug 20, 2024

Table of Content

  • Introduction
  • Understanding Lower Back Pain
  • Causes of Lower Back Pain in Military Service
  • Prevention Tips for Lower Back Pain
  • Seeking Professional Help
  • FAQs
  • Conclusion


The information contained in this article can be useful when the desire is to avoid lower back pain. And learning about the top three causes of this ailment in military personnel. Preventing back injuries entails exercising. How to lift items correctly, and improve one's working environment. Those who are struggling with lower back pain can also get information on the therapies available.


Most service members have chronic lower back pain. Which affects their health and deployment duties. A military person's hard work makes their lower back vulnerable. Lifting weights, standing for long periods, and rigorous training take a toll. This article examines the common causes of lower back pain in service members and ways to prevent it.

Understanding Lower Back Pain

Lumbar pain, also known as lower back pain, is a joint or bone pain in the back area of the trunk of the body. It can be anything from a slight ache to a shooting pain. This may be the result of many occurrences. It includes pulled muscles, ligaments, and/or discs.

Causes of Lower Back Pain in Military Service

There is often more than one reason why service members have lower back pain when or if they do. Here are a few common causes:

  • Heavy Lifting
  • Prolonged Standing
  • Repetitive Motions
  • Poor Posture
  • Physical Fitness
  • Body Armor

Prevention Tips for Lower Back Pain

The following measures may be taken by military personnel. They can reduce the likelihood of experiencing lower back pain:

  • Specific muscles that should be worked on while strength training include the abdominal, back, and leg muscles.
  • This element suggests that, to improve scalability and minimize muscle soreness. You should incorporate stretching into your workouts.
  • Insist on using the right methods. Such as lifting with the legs and never with the back, no matter the provocation.
  • It means that it is necessary to make changes to workstations. And the assemblies of equipment conforming to ergonomic standards that would improve posture.
  • You should maintain a proper weight. Because the extra weight is very unforgiving to your back.
  • It is suggested to take short breaks from time to time in order not to overwork the muscles and joints.
  • Your muscles and joints are also at the receiving end of water. Since they play a role in your body's health.
  • Avoid putting pressure on various parts of the body. Therefore, the body armor should fit the correct size for one when it is worn.
  • Ensure you take enough rest. Intending to give your muscles ample time to be in a position to recover in the right manner.

Seeking Professional Help

Sometimes, one must consult a doctor if the lower back pain does not go away. Or if it is getting worse after following these preventive tips. Consultation with a medical professional will be able to identify. What is causing the discomfort and recommend the right line of therapy.


What exercises are beneficial for preventing lower back pain?

Planks, bridges, and hamstring stretches, as well as the cat-cow position and other flexibility exercises, are beneficial.

When should I seek professional help for lower back pain?

Seek medical attention if the pain does not go away or becomes worse. Or causes other symptoms like numbness or weakness.

Can I continue with my military duties if I have lower back pain?

A healthcare provider should be consulted to determine the best course of action. Altering responsibilities or looking for new tasks might be called for.


Lower back pain may be severely linked to military personnel’s physical and emotional well-being. Some of the ways through which people can reduce their possibility of contracting back issues. It includes understanding what caused the issue and avoiding such scenarios. Strengthening the muscles, increasing flexibility, and learning how to lift an object correctly. As well as making changes to the objects or tools they use, can help out a lot. However, if you continue to experience discomfort. It is advisable to consult a health professional.